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Westwood Little League - Kalamazoo Michigan

WLL Board Members

These are the Board members for 2024-25:

PresidentRebekah Alderman[email protected] 
Vice President-BaseballMike Hillman [email protected]
Vice President-SoftballChris & Shay Nower[email protected]
TreasurerDevon Ivy 
Secretary Katie Crigger
Player AgentLiz Loney [email protected]
Safety OfficerKipp Crigger [email protected]
Grounds ManagerJordan Simpson
Player DevelopmentBrandon Rumsey
 [email protected]
Concession ManagerToni Berry
 [email protected]
Information OfficerDon McNally 
Coaching CoordinatorDave Schramm [email protected]
Volunteer CoordinatorMelissa Rumsey
 [email protected]
Equipment ManagerChad Andrews
Umpire CoordinatorTom Wrench
Sponsorship & GrantsSusan Andrews
 [email protected]

There are not league email addresses for all Board members.  To reach one without a listed address, use [email protected].

About the Board

Benefits of Joining the Board

- Adding to the enjoyment of all our players and families
- Ensuring the continued success of Westwood Little League
- Working with a dedicated, talented group of volunteers who want the very best for our League
- Diversity of thought, creativity, and working together to make the best decisions

Board Position Descriptions

Below is a list of the board positions and brief descriptions of their duties. If you would like more information on a given position or the responsibilities of a board member please email us ([email protected]).

President - Conduct the affairs of the Westwood Little League and execute the policies established by the Board of Directors. Be responsible for the conduct of the Westwood Little League in strict conformity to the policies, principles, Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball, Incorporated.

Vice-President Baseball - Perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President, provided he or she is authorized by the President or Board so to act. When so acting, the Vice President shall have all the powers of that office. Direct the operations of all Baseball activities including; draft, divisions, schedule, rules, inter-league, and tournament play.

Vice-President Softball - Direct the operations of all Softball activities including; draft, divisions, schedule, rules, inter-league, and tournament play.

 - Receive all monies and securities, and deposit same in a depository approved by the Board of Directors. Keep records for the receipt and disbursement of all monies and securities of the Westwood Little League, including the Auxiliary, approve all payments from allotted funds and draw checks therefore in agreement with policies established in advance of such actions by the Board of Directors.

Secretary - Be responsible for recording the activities of the Westwood Little League and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists and necessary records. Keep the minutes of the meetings of the Members, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and cause them to be recorded in a book kept for that purpose.

Grounds Manager - Organize and manage the annual maintenance of playing surfaces and real property. From time to time, propose capital improvement projects to the board as needed.

Players' Agent
 - Record all player transactions and maintain an accurate and up-to- date record thereof. Receive and review applications for player candidates and assist the President in verifying residence and age eligibility. Prepare for the President's signature and submission to Little League Headquarters, team rosters, including players claimed, and the tournament team eligibility affidavit.

Player Development Coordinator
 - Organize “Fall Ball” developmental program, player clinics, and player “camps” sponsored by the league.

Concession Manager
 - Organize the purchase of concession products. Maintain the operation of concession facilities. Schedule volunteers to work the concession booth during League events. Organize, tally and keep records of concession sales and purchases.

Umpire Coordinator 
- Represent umpires in the league and serve as Head Umpire. Implement a league-wide training program. Coordinate mini-clinics as necessary.

Information Officer - Manage the league’s official home page. Manage the online registration process and ensure that league rosters are maintained on the site. Collect, post and distribute important information on League activities including direct dissemination of fund-raising and sponsor activities to Little League Baseball, district, public, league members and media.

Equipment Manager - Evaluate the need for game and training equipment to be used by the members in support of the objectives of the league. Present an annual budget to the board for the acquisition of equipment. Monitor the rules of Little League Intl. to ensure that all equipment is approved for use under current guidelines.

Safety Officer
 - Be responsible to create awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for youngsters and all participants of Little League Baseball. Comply with Little League requirements for volunteer registration and background checks.

Coaching Coordinator 
- Represent coaches and managers in the league. Implement a league-wide training program. Coordinate mini-clinics as necessary. Serve as the contact person for Little League and its manager-coach education program for the league.

Volunteer Coordinator - Present a volunteer recruiting plan to the board. Organize and coordinate the activities of the Team Parents. Oversee the completion of volunteer applications by the volunteers, coordinate with Player Agent to input registrations and turn all applications over to the Safety Officer to run background checks.

Sponsorships and Grants Coordinator - Add revenue to the league through yearly sponsorships and grants; also, to extend exposure of Westwood Little League to local businesses looking for opportunities to market/advertise themselves to our players, neighborhood families, and spectators.

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