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Westwood Little League - Kalamazoo Michigan

Safety at Westwood

We want you to feel safe at Westwood but, more importantly, we want you to be safe while you're here. It's why we watch for behaviors like climbing on or over fences, running around the concession stand, and throwing things outside the fields. 

It's also why we remind coaches often of Little League rules and good safety practices:
- One league-approved adult (ie. volunteer interest submitted and background check completed) must be in the dugout at all times.
- No swinging bats in the dugout.
- Players must have a catcher's helmet on if they are at the catcher's position for infield practice or catching balls returned from outfielders.

The largest part of safety at Westwood is our Safety Plan. It is something we review and update annually as part of the Little League ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program). It contains contact information for our Board and for emergency services, good tips for physical and emotional safety in youth, and first aid information. We provide this plan to each team for their knowledge and reference as directed by ASAP. We are also linking it here as a constant reference point.

These documents have been updated for 2022.
Safety Plan
Appendix A - Little League Forms
Appendix B - League Safety
Appendix C - Coaching Safely
Appendix D - Concession Stand

Safety at our league requires vigilance by everyone. Contact if you have questions or concerns about safety at our league.
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